Non-Profit Insurance for Social Service Professionals
As a social service professional, your goal is to help people. There is no doubt that operating a business in this sector can be a challenge. And it does not always leave people with the best outcome. If you are a business owner in this field, it is very important for you to have ample insurance to keep your business safe from would-be negligence claims. What can you do today to minimize the risks you face from operating in this area?
Begin With Property Protection
Non-profit insurance provides coverage for most of your needs. You should have proper coverage for your assets at the foundation. This means having protection for your business’ building, equipment, furnishings and other hard assets. Protecting these assets is a good place to start because it ensures your business remains protected from risks related to fires and vandalism.
What Risks are Present?
When securing nonprofit insurance, carefully consider the types of risks you face. Policies are available to minimize many of these risks.
Medicinal Dosage Errors: In some cases, non–profits that provide care for the elderly or those unable to care for themselves can make a mistake related to medication, leaving those individuals in a dangerous situation.
Battery Charges: Though social workers routinely provide exceptional care, there are often times when negligence claims related to batteries can occur. Liability insurance must be present to reduce these risks.
Foster care provider risks: Injury, claims of poor treatment and even foster care child death can all be key concerns for those in this industry. Having proper insurance in place can minimize the financial loss against such claims.
For those operating in the social service industry, the key type of business insurance that is nearly always necessary is professional liability insurance. Having a custom policy designed to meet the specific needs of the providers and any employees you have is essential.
There is a risk to working in this field. Negligence claims can be very challenging. However, the good work you do may outweigh those risks. With the proper non-profit insurance, you can continue to provide these crucial services to your community without having to worry that your finances or your business as a whole is at risk.
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